2018 年 12 月 21 日
## 一、满分托福口语独立任务应回归本质,展现好能力
### 1.表达效率
言简意赅, 一针见血。45 秒内只说有用的话,没有废话。
### 2.逻辑缜密
### 3.话题发展
### 4.选词构句
### 5.语音语调
堪比 ABC,不逊色于 Native。
## 二、满分托福口语独立任务必须突破自我
### 1.思路进化
### 2.结构升级
尽量避免使用 First, second 等僵硬的结构路标词。
### 3.词汇具有杀伤力
## 三、满分托福口语 Task 2 Sample
当看到前方满分这种水平的 answer 时,不要以为这是别人照读出来的,或者是不限时精工细作的,或者反正我也想不出来也没有这样好的口才,但应该是考生们努力的方向,毕竟谁都不是生来就能驾驭一门外语的。
**20180331 TOFEL SPEAKING TASK 2**
**Children should approach computer and other electronic devices as early as possible.**
音频来源:芝加哥大学美女学神亲声示范的Sample Answer
I disagree with the idea that kids should approach computer and electronic devices as early as possible. For one thing, digital products are highly addictive, which means that children are very likely to get lost in the virtual world. How can you count on a 5-year-old, who is no way to be self-disciplined, to resist the temptation from mobile games? Chances are that they will be isolated from peers and deprived of the normal interpersonal interaction in reality. Apart from psychological consequences, it is also detrimental to their physical health. Overindulgence in computer games contributes to myopia and obesity. Statistics have already shown the trend that kids become myopic at a younger age, partially due to the overuse of electronic devices.
**Claim:**I disagree with the idea that kids should approach computer and electronic devices as early as possible.
**Reason 1:** **For one thing,** digital products are highly **addictive**, which means that children are very likely to **get lost** in the **virtual world**.
**Evidence 1:** How can you **count on** a 5-year-old, who is no way to be **self-disciplined**, to **resist the temptation** from mobile games? **Chances are** that they will **be isolated from** peers and **deprived of** the normal **interpersonal interaction** in reality.
**Reason 2:** **Apart from** psychological consequences, it is also **detrimenta**l to their physical health. **Overindulgence** in computer games **contributes to myopia and obesity**.
**Evidence 2:** Statistics have already shown the trend that kids become myopic at a younger age, **partially due to** the **overuse** of electronic devices.
听完了“会让耳朵怀孕”的 45 秒作答,赏完了“满篇都是闪光词” 的文稿,如果不即刻行动起来,就如同看了 1000 部电影但从来没有演过戏,是不太可能成为好演员的。劝君踏实备考,多参悟,勤开口。相信只要奋发图强,你也能拿托福口语满分,圆名校梦。