2019 年 02 月 15 日
摘要:大家知道吗? ETS 采用三种方式考查童鞋的理解能力:内容主旨、目的主旨以及细节题。光是主旨和细节竟然已经占了 50% 的比重!简直不敢想象!震惊之余,小编赶紧分享急救包~ 速速来取吧~
## 一、什么是细节题?
## 1.典型问法
What does the woman suggest the man do?
What help did the young man receive?
What is …?
What resulted from the invention of the …?
According to the instructor, what characteristic should … have?
According to the speaker, what does … mean?
According to the professor, why is A superior to B?
According to the professor, what is one way that A can affect B?
According to the professor, what is the main problem with the … theory?
Select the diagram that represents …?
## 2.题型特点
## 二、细节题怎么做?
1. 不得遗漏信息点,每个点都听到并记下关键词。回答问题时参看笔记。题目不会考查考生一些小的细节。笔记内容应该包括对话和讲座中的重要细节。
2. 多注意典型的举例、说明、定义以及解释性语言。
3. 与内容主旨相关联的信息,不论是直接关联还是间接关联的都会考。
4. 考与主旨内容不相关的细节!有 30% 的几率考!(要求听得细致仔细,抓住文章全部信息点)。
5. 不要仅仅因为某个选项中含有讲座或对话中的几个原词就将其认定为正确选项。错误选项经常含有听力材料中的单词和词组。
## 三、高分案例分享
对于细节题,这里小编选择了 **TPO 32 托福听力 Leture 1 第 3 题**作为高分案例来跟大家分享。
音频来源:TPO 32 听力 L1
### 原文
But discoveries in Uganda, that’s in Eastern Africa, are throwing that into question. Scientists studying soil samples there discovered evidence of bananas in sediment that was 5,000 years old!
但是在东非乌干达的发现,却使得这个说法受到质疑。研究那里土壤样本的科学家们在 5000 年前的沉淀物中发现了香蕉存在的证据!
Now, let me explain that it’s not easy to find traces of ancient bananas. The fruit is soft and doesn’t have any hard seeds that might survive over the ages. So after 5,000 years, you might think there would be nothing left to study. Well, fortunately for archaeologists, all plants contain what are called phytoliths in their stems and leaves.
现在,我来解释一下要发现古代香蕉的痕迹是非常不容易的一件事情。这种水果是非常软的,并且没有坚硬的种子可以存活几个时代。因此,在 5000 年以后,你可能会以为没有什么会留下来以供研究。对于考古学家们幸运的是,所有的植物茎叶中都含有植物岩。
Phytoliths are microscopic structures made of silica, and they do not decay. When plants die and rot away, they leave these phytoliths behind. Because different plants produce differently shaped phytoliths, scientists can identify the type of plant from ancient remains.
### 题目
3.According to the professor, what can scientists learn by examining ancient phytoliths?
A. The nutrients a plant took in.
B. The age of a certain sediment layer.
C. What a plant was used for.
D. What type of plant produced them.
Because different plants produce differently shaped phytoliths, scientists can identify the type of plant from ancient remains.
根据文章中所说 “Because different plants produce differently shaped phytoliths, scientists can identify the type of plant from ancient remains”,不同的植物会产生不同形状的植物岩,科学家们可以从残余的植物岩中识别出植物的类型,也就是这些植物岩原本是由什么植物产生的。所以 D 选项为正确答案。
### 听力难点
【出题句】*Because different plants produce differently shaped phytoliths, scientists can identify the type of plant from ancient remains.*
这句话和 D 选项其实是同义转化,如果同学们在听 Lecture 的过程中抓住了这句话,这道题就不难选出正确答案。但是细节题常常是同学们可能会漏掉的部分,其他信息听得差不多,唯独这样的重要细节可能会因为注意力不集中而漏掉。所以,提醒大家,听力整个过程以听懂为主要目标,千万不要为了记笔记而耽误了听和理解。