2018 年 10 月 29 日
## 2018年10月托福口语练习素材之学校学习
## 2016/10/29 学校学习
Your university plans to allow students to eat and drink in classes. Do you think it is a good idea?
理由 1:课堂是学习的地方,吃东西或者喝东西会分神,使自己错过重要的知识点。
理由 2:自己吃东西的声音和食物的气味会影响其他的同学听课。
focus on teachers 关注于老师
deter students from eating in class 阻止学生们在课堂上吃东西
be a distraction to other students 干扰其他同学
noisy eating and smacking their lips 吃东西和咂嘴的噪音
leave trash on the floor 在地板上留下垃圾
eat during the break 课间吃东西
## 2017/10/15 学校学习
Some people think that those children who do not want to keep learning a musical instrument course should be required to keep learning the course; While others think that those children should be allowed to make decisions by themselves. What is your opinion and why? Use examples and details in your explanation.
理由 1:兴趣是乐器学习的重要影响因素,让孩子自己做决定就是充分尊重他们的兴趣和爱好。
理由 2:强迫孩子去学习会使他们不开心而且学习效果不好。
nurture one’s interest 培养自己的兴趣
be self-motivated自发有动力的
upload parents’ interests on their children 把父母的兴趣强加于孩子身上
feels so passionate about sth. 对某事很感兴趣
## 2016/10/29 学校学习
Some people like to study in the morning, while others like to study in the afternoon. Which one do you prefer and why?
理由 1:早晨人的精力充沛,学习效率更高。
理由 2:早晨周边环境更安静,有助于集中注意力。
feel energetic 感到精力充沛
take a good night sleep 睡了一晚上好觉
keep yawning and feel sleepy in the afternoon下午一直打哈欠犯困
have a lot of distractions 有很多干扰
focus on one’s study 集中在学习上
## 2016/10/16 学校学习
Which do you prefer: deciding on your major before entering college or after some courses?
理由 1:学一些课程后对专业的了解更深入,有助于选择更符合自己的兴趣的发展方向。
理由 2:降低试错成本,节约时间。
gain more knowledge about了解更多
find your interests 找到自己的兴趣
make wrong decisions 做出错误决定
be regret to do sth. 后悔做某事